The course achieves its aims –
improving communication between staff and patients – aiding relationships,
diagnosis and self-advocacy, and staff-to-patient attitudes (including reducing
stigma). It is run by registered
Scottish Art Therapists in Zambia Therapeutic
Art and developed over the last 6 years - bottom up - from a pilot
programme in Chipata. It is now delivered to 60+ staff and students per year within
Chainama Hospital and College, and Psychiatry department, UTH, Lusaka.
This innovative intervention - addresses
a gap in mental health provision in Zambia and fits the WHO framework recommendations
to increase the range and availability of psychosocial and therapeutic options
for those with MH problems. It has the support of the Ministry of Health and
leads of government based mental health resources in Zambia.
Following a scoping assessment in
2016, Zambia Therapeutic Art is now
progressing with plans to fund a feasibility study to explore the viability of
a Training of Trainers programme in 2017 as part of its progression to in-country
sustainability. A research paper, using data from evaluations of trainees’
experience of the training and outcomes, is in process.
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