Thursday, 21 September 2017

Back again.
We are  following on from Lesley's visit in June. It was a really productive time and we are now here to build on what she established and set in place.
Back  in Scotland as well as working on the training materials, we have been extending our skill base. Colin, a very experienced trainer and programme manager has joined us as a Trustee and added a lot in a short space of time. We have also been doing some fundraising. A Pop Up restaurant proved a great success and a very enjoyable evening as well as profitable.
A lot of hard work. We really are grateful to our many supporters who
contribute in so many ways.

lot of hard work but also fun and good results.
Here in Lusaka we have found things pretty well set up, great support in Chainama. One problem being owing to necessary repairs the mains water in Lusaka has been turned off all week. Consequently the College students we were planning to start with have had to go home. We do hope to complete the training none the less. The Training of Trainers is moving on to Stage 2 with 2 trainees taking the lead in delivering the training.                                                                                                                                                                       We also have 4 starting the Trainer Training and already we are seeing the training develop fresh energy with new ideas and approaches.

 Also great support with Monitoring and Evaluation from Margarate Munkampe - a wonderful asset!

The trainees from Chainama Hospital have started with the first sessions and already shown real enthusiasm and understanding.
So watch this space.

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