Sunday, 18 March 2018


We gather it is still snowing back home. We watched the rugby match at Twickenham yesterday with an Irish friend and as we sat in the warmth listening to a live band it was strange to watch the snow falling and see everyone huddled in their anoraks! Anyway to more serious matters. The week has been full as always. Joanna has been delivering the training at UTH  alongside Monica who is completing her Training as a trainer. It is a large and varied group and as we are delivering it in a new structure over 2 weeks instead of 6 there are always adaptations to be made along the way. The group are very involved and the responses have been interesting and thought provoking.
Lesley's focus has been on the M and E, organising follow up interviews with the trainee trainers and contacting MHUNZA about the experiences of those involved in Taster Session last year. Another focus for both of us has been exploring the opportunities for further training venues, this is an important part of our ongoing Training of Trainers programme as well as of embedding the practice. We have also had a lot of support in arranging a stakeholders meeting where we can feedback and start the process of exploring the issues around sustainability. The plan is to follow this up later in June/July with a full stakeholders meeting to present the results of our Feasibility Study in full and move on with the next step.
To our friends in the UK we offer sympathy about the return of winter and please get rid of it quickly!

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